Saturday 10 August 2013

Wateilutt (Water, Ice)

Name: Wateilutt
Type: Water, Ice
Attacks: Ice Beam, Hydro Boost, Aqua Jet, Aqua Strike, Ice Ball
Ultimate Attacks: Triple Ice Spikes, Hydro Pump, Hydro Cannon, Blizzard, Ice Storm Blaster
Description: Wateilutt is a big tadpole monster which evolve from Frople. The fangs are very sharp that can ignore defense that will apply shield breaker, also make monster suffering bleeding and ravaged. The body can create regeneration that able to immune water attacks, also immune to fire and ice type attacks. The claws are very sharp and icy that will make monster suffering bleeding, ravaged, chilled, frozen and deathfrost. The tail is very frosty that will smash monster by deals highly and deadly critical, also make monster suffering chilled, frozen and deathfrost.

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