Saturday 17 August 2013

Rockouble (Fire, Flying)

Name: Rockouble
Type: Fire, Flying
Attacks: Fire Spin, Fire Tornado, Flame Strike, Rocket Strike, Rocket Crush
Ultimate Attacks: Radial Tornado, Rocket Fire Tornado Strike, Multi Rocket Blast
Description: Rockouble is a rocket monster that can blast off to air with its two mini rockets. The mini rockets can fire itself to the target and make monster suffering melt armor, burning, pyrophoric and short circuit to robot or technology attacks. The main firepower can blast very fast that can highly critical, brutal strike and make monster exposed, heavy metal that can stun them, burning and melt armor. It also can return boost to the flying target as its fly charge through and make them pyrophoric, hobbled, disoriented and sharpenal.    

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