Friday 11 July 2014

Diamondrex (Ice)

Name: Diamondrex
Type: Ice
Attacks: Ice Beam,Diamond Slash, Diamond Burst, Frozen Diamond Fall
Ultimate Attacks: Roar of Diamond, Diamond Spiky Blast, Ice Avalanche
Description:  Diamondrex is a diamond dinosaur monster that has diamond body and diamond power. The diamond shape from its head can burst out diamond blast that deal heavy damage, but require to cool down, it can apply frozen, targeted and pressure damage. The horns can smash through any shield effect that also exploits chilled, it can also apply shield breaker, stun and wide open. The tail has diamond sharp with can slash its opponent and apply bleeding, ravaged and tenderized. The body is covered with diamond durable ice as it can reduce damage against melee and slashing attacks, also gain diamond fever that increase all states.  

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