Thursday 17 July 2014

Mushroite (Fire, Dark)

Name: Mushroite
Type: Fire, Dark
Attacks: Fire Burst, Devil Flame, Fire Fist, Flamethrower, Fire Impact
Ultimate Attacks: Burning Blast, Devil Blast, Darkness Fire Burst, Shadow Burning Wave
Description: Mushroite is a mushroom monster that control its devil fire. The fire aura from its eyes can stare its opponent by subtle action and apply melt armor to all enemies, also gain devil's heat to increase its attack and accuracy. It can shoot devil fire ball that bring of chaos to exploits dark void and apply burning, pyrophoric and pin cushion which deal extra damage on counter attacks. The horn is very sharp but small so only deal minimum damage, but will apply flanked and fumbling. The body has plasma heat which can immune to burning and also increase its attack and defense.  

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