Wednesday 7 August 2013

Spiurtle (Water, Ice)

Name: Spiurtle
Type: Water, Ice
Attacks: Hydro Pump, Ice Ball, Ice Spikes Blast, Ice Beam, Water Fang, Ice Fang
Ultimate Attacks: Ice Cannon. Hydro Cannon, Ice Breaker, Hydro Jet, Aqua Jet, Ice Strike Jet
Description: Spiurtle is a turtle monster with spikes on its flatter. The leg as the flatter has spikes that can slap monster by also affect them bleeding and ravaged. The shell is super tough and is icy that can deflect any ranged gun attacks, also can affect  the attacker chilled and frozen when they use melee type attacks against it. The tail has a boulder that can ignore defense and paragon exploiter that can also make them exposed, shield breaker and tenderize. The jaws is sharp and able to bite through shield defense that also apply bleeding and ravaged to the targeted monster.  

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