Saturday 31 August 2013

Demohost (Fire, Dark, Ghost)

Name: Demohost
Type: Fire, Dark, Ghost
Attacks: Meteor Bash, Shadow Ball, Ghost Blast, Fireball, Shadow Claw, Star Bash
Ultimate Attacks: Ground Slam, Dark Blast, Ghost Super Strike, Star Strike, Dark Shadow Bash
Description: Demohost is a ghost with its dark armor and armed with basher that evolve from Demormy. The armor is very high defense that always gain forfeited immune to dark and melee type attacks, it also can apply bleeding to the attacker who use melee type attacks. Its weapon can ignore defense, paragon exploiter, highly critical and make monster suffering bleeding, ravaged, stun, shield breaker and incapacitation. The horn of its armor can strike monster with it and gain darkness rage to increase its defense and attacks, it also can apply bleeding, ravaged, tenderized and stun to the attacker and gain dark pact itself.  

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