Saturday 31 August 2013

Crocorog ( Water, Ground)

Name: Crocorog
Type: Water, Ground
Attacks: Water Gun, Muddy Water, Mud Slap, Earth Power, Hydro Pump
Ultimate Attacks: Mega Mud Blaster, Muddy Blast, Muddy Tsunami
Description: Crocorog is a crocodile monster that has twin saber teeth. The body is covered with hard skin scales like the normal crocodile that can immune to melee and ranged gun attacks, it can apply bleeding and weakened to the attacker who use melee type attacks. The teeth are very sharp and pointy that can biye monster that can make monster suffering bleeding, ravaged, wide open, weakened and pain train. The saber tooth can ignore defense and highly critical that make gain strengthened, fortified and armor piercing

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