Tuesday 6 August 2013

Lighluds (Water, Thunder)

Name: Lighluds
Type: Water, Thunder
Attacks: Thunder Fang, Hydro Pump, Water Blast, Rain Rapid Shot
Ultimate Attacks: Thunderbolt, Thundershock, Acid Rain, Rain Shower, Thunder, Hydro Cannon
Description: Lighluds is a cloud monster with its thunder power which evolve from Raidud. The teeth can perform thunder bite that will stun and paralyzed monster, it also able to make them bleeding and ravaged. The wing can protect itself from any ranged energy type attacks and also shot acid rain that can make monster suffering poisoned, waterlogged and melt armor. The body can absorb water type attacks and thunder type attacks, water type attacks can make it gain regeneration, while thunder attacks can boost it thunder attacks and counter monster that can make monster stun, paralyzed, static charge and zapped.

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