Saturday 31 August 2013

Lizaired (Fire)

Name: Lizaired
Type: Fire
Attacks: Fire Breath, Fireball, Sneak Attacks, Fire Slash
Ultimate Attacks: Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Overheat, Flare Blitz
Description: Lizaired is a lizard monster with its flame ability and able to climb on wall and very sneaky. The tail has a pointy poison spike that can strike monster by sneaky or counter attacks that can make monster suffering bleeding, ravaged, poison and malfunction for machine type attacks. The body is very light that help it to reduce weight once its climbing wall and very fast that apply nimble and squirrelly that dodge most of ranged attacks. The fangs can ignore defense and gain strengthened, agile and apply bleeding and drain stamina to the attacker or the targeted monster  

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