Saturday 31 August 2013

Staplark (Water, Metal)

Name: Staplark
Type: Water, Metal
Attacks: Hydro Pump, Aqua Jet, Gyro Ball, Millon Bullet Shoot, Bullet Gun
Ultimate Attacks: Hydro Cannon, Surf, Tsunami Bomber, Bullet Bomb
Description: Staplark is a stapler type shark monster with its bulky body that is evolve form Sharter. Its body has its water body regeneration as it can use attacker water attacks to gain regeneration and recuperation. The teeth has steel strong mode and very sharp that can ignore defense, deadly critical, highly critical, finest hour and paragon exploiter  that also suffering bleeding, ravaged, hobbled and remove buffs. The bullet that its shoot can rapidly fire and is catastrophic attacks that can make monster suffering bleeding, ravaged, found weak point and target focus.

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