Saturday 31 August 2013

Killelantea (Water, Ice, Grass)

Name: Killelantea
Type: Water, Ice, Grass
Attacks: Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Frost Breath, Solar Beam, Ice Spikes, Razor Leaf
Ultimate Attacks: Frost Nova Blast, Aqua Jet, Frenzy Plant, Frosty Touch, Blizzard
Description: Killelantea is a sea monster which evolve from Killegul. The heads has its water and ice attacks with can perform a superpower blast force that can ignore defense, highly critical and make monster suffering chilled, frozen, stun and shield breaker. The body is made of grass armor with its emerald plating that can immune to melee, ranged gun type, fire and grass attacks, the spikes on its body can help it increase its durability and apply bleeding to the attacker who use melee type attacks.

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