Sunday 26 January 2014

Zodigoic (Fire, Light)

Name: Zodigoic (Symbol of Teamwork)
Type: Fire, Light
Attacks: Boar Attack, Burning Tusk, Zodiac Slam, Holy Tusk Strike, Fire Breath
Ultimate Attacks: Light Slash, Holy Boulder Slam, Pack Attack, Magma Burn, Fatal Holy Tusk
Description: Zodigoic is one of the zodiac member and the only one who didn't use the red color body and it represent the pig. The tusk is very sharp that can ignore defense, combustible and exploits burning on magma tusk and exploits darkness and bleed in holy tusk, it can apply the target bleeding, ravaged, weak point, disadvantage, burning in magma mode and drained energy on dark target in holy mode. The tail has a big boulder tail that is sealed with zodiac power that gain it zodiac sharpen and durable up, also apply bleeding, shield breaker, stun, exposed and pain. The body has been protected by zodiac shield so that it can immune to any stun attacks and gain zodiac strength to itself and its pig theme monster allies.    

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