Friday 24 January 2014

Armodiacoat (Fire, Light)

Name: Armodiacoat ( Symbol of Protection)
Type: Fire, Light
Attacks: Fire Ram, Light Strike, Shining Slam, Fury Crusher, Shining Aura
Ultimate Attacks: Zodiac Shine Burst, Zodiac Magma Burn. Zodiac Ram Crusher
Description: Armodiacoat is one of the zodiac guardian member and the symbol of the goat. It was a legend that its horn has shining ray that can slam its target with high crits, gain shining holy, and apply slowed, stun, blinded and disoriented, also gain blessing and shining break. Its body had protected with holy spikes armor that can immune to dark attacks and apply the attacker who use melee type attacks with bleeding and pain, also gain holy defense whenever it been attacked. The tail has the boulder with holy light that can exploits exposed and apply blinded, dizzy and shield breaker, also gain light protection that can protect its allies even is a catastrophic. While protecting, it gain no damage instead gain holy up and shining walls to all allies.

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