Friday 17 January 2014

Lobsraber (Water)

Name: Lobsraber
Type: Water
Attacks: Pincer Strike, Lobster Wave, Hammer Time, Hydro Blast, Bubble Burst
Ultimate Attacks: Metal Pinch, Metallic Lobster Slam, Pincer Slash, Lobster Kublai Slash
Description: Lobsraber is a lobster monster with high durability shell and spiked tail which is evolved Lobsterab. The pincers has sharpen pinches that can exploits bleed and shield and apply bleeding, ravaged, stun and shield breaker. The hammer tail has a blade that can high crits, ignore defense, ground attack, exploits slowed and exposed, also apply slowed, shield breaker, stun and bleeding. The body is very hard to break down as it can immune to fire, melee and ranged gun attacks, reduce their damage and gain forfeited and shell shocker.  

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