Monday 6 January 2014

Grassirus (Grass, Dark)

Name: Grassirus
Type: Grass, Dark
Attacks: Leaf Blade, Dark Soul, Darkness Slash, Virus Spore
Ultimate Attacks: Leaf Storm, Leaf Virus Attack, Virus Stare
Description: Grassirus is a virus monster with its leaf ability and one of the Ghosirus evolution with leaf power. The symbol can fire a leaf beam and energy beam that required sunlight to deal extra damage and apply dizzy, weakened, impaired and exhausted. The body can gain increase states when it gain sunlight and photosynthesis and immune to burning and pyrophoric. The tail has the poison sting that will absorb sunlight energy from the victim plant type or grass type monster and transfer its virus that will apply bleeding, dark void, mangle and immobilized.      

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