Tuesday 21 January 2014

Sterandople (Grass, Metal)

Name: Sterandople
Type: Grass, Metal
Attacks: Grass Burst, Crescent Darts, Horn Breaker, Emerald Strike, Emerald Ray
Ultimate Attacks: Solar Beam, Emerald Crush, Crescent Spiral, Emerald Cannon Burst
Description: Sterandople is a emerald armored antelope monster which is evolved from Antepolax. The body has become emerald body that can resist any attacks expect for psychic and magic, also had a chance to gain regeneration and recuperation, also gain metal charge, emerald strength and emerald breaker. The horns can stab its target that can ignore defense, high crits and apply exhausted, bleeding, weak point, ravaged and disadvantage. The crescent tail had the same buffs as the horns, but additional debuff fro the tail apply exposed and pain.      

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