Saturday 25 January 2014

Gologiac (Fire, Light)

Name: Gologiac (Symbol of Friendship)
Type: Fire, Light
Attacks: Holy Fangs, Holy Rust, Flame Claw, Melting Crush, Golden Flare
Ultimate Attacks: Gold Rush Strike, Magma Bone Slash, Volcano Fang, Holy Eternal Blast
Description: Gologiac is one of the zodiac guardian member as the dog. The golden statue on its body can use to restore low health allies and gain great protection for its allies, it also immune to bleeding, ravaged and dark void debuff as the golden statue can channel its energy. The ears has high hearing ability that can dodge ranged attacks and gain radar detector to all allies. The claws has magma burn and holy blade that can exploits burning and bleed and apply burning, pyrophoric, melt armor and gain zodiac combine and combat awareness to all allies.

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