Wednesday 29 January 2014

Chinakonsen ( Fire, Light)

Name: Chinakonsen (Symbol of Stealthy)
Type:  Fire, Light
Attacks: Fire Blast, Holy Snare Strike, Fire Spark, Holy Fang, Holy Strike
Ultimate Attacks: Holy Light Comet Barrage, Magma Burn, Firecracker Rapid Shot, Holy Beam
Description: Chinakonsen is one of the zodiac guardian member in the snake symbol. All of its attacks are stealthy that can pass over protect and counter attack buffs, also can apply burning and poisoned in all attacks. The eyes has mind power that can invade the opponent's mind and apply mind control, migraine and fall asleep (count as stun, but will lose multiple turn until it wake up). The firecracker can blast fire explosion blast or balls that can ignore defense, high crits, stealthy and combustible, also apply burning, melt armor, pyrophoric and stun. The body has magma body with zodiac power that can gain burning hatred, zodiac sense and all allies zodiac stealthy, also immune to burning and pyrophoric.  

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