Wednesday 8 January 2014

Robonster (Metal, Dark)

Name: Robonster
Type: Metal, Dark
Attacks: Machine Gun Strike, Charged Fist, Monument Charge, Laser Beam
Ultimate Attacks: Robot Burst Charge, Rocket Blast, Dark Energy Blast
Description: Robonster is a robot monster that using dark energy for its system. The machine gun on its head can fire dark bullet that can exploits shield and dark void, also apply bane, exposed, melt armor and burning as it can rapid fire and gain machine boost (increase all states). The fist has the ability to use rocket mode that can hit with ranged attacks and apply off balance, winded, dizzy and had a chance to stun. The body can immune to EMP attacks and fried circuit, also immune to psychic, fear, bio and bleeding debuff and gain charge up.    

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