Thursday 9 January 2014

Winaporad (Wind)

Name: Winaporad
Type: Wind
Attacks: Spiral Strike, Mega Crunch, Windy Strike, Tornado Spiral
Ultimate Attacks: Wind Rush, Tornado Burst, Tornado Blast, Blood Frenzy Slash
Description: Winaporad is a leopard monster with its huge size body which is evolved from Leporaind. The body has spikes on its back that can increase its speed and damage, also apply bleeding, ravaged and hobbled when it strike. The tail has tornado burst with ineradicable speed that can deal multiple hit and apply disadvantage, pressure point and buff blocker. The red spot on its eyes can increase its accuracy and attacks, also can redirect an upcoming attacks and dodge it. It can also apply targeted and weak point once it use its radar eye before the opponent attack it.  

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