Tuesday 11 March 2014

Walrulek (Water, Ice)

Name: Walrulek
Type: Water, Ice
Attacks: Hydro Pump, Ice Fang, Icy Strike, Aqua Jet, Hydro Bash, Ice Slash
Ultimate Attacks: Twin Ice Fang, Hydro Booster, Hydro Canon, Blizzard Storm, Snow Slide
Description: Walrulek is one the legend monster in the ice age that is was the left hand assistant with Mamotick. The fangs are extremely sharp that it can exploits bleeding, cold snap and apply the target with bleeding, ravaged, frozen and chilled. The water symbol on its nose can unleash water sprout that can exploits burning and apply waterlogged, disadvantage and opportunist. The body has high fat that store lots of energy that can restore stamina most of its turn, also immune to burning and pyrophoric, but is an easy target as it too fat to dodge the attacker attacks, it still can survive as it has double health that other basic monster to always protect its allies from all attacks.  

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