Monday 24 March 2014

Tryaanterosaurs (Fire, Ground)

Name: Tryaanterosaurs
Type: Fire, Ground
Attacks: Fire Blast, Burning Ball, Ground Stomp, Boulder Slam, Flame Strike
Ultimate Attacks: Inferno Tornado, Hurl Boulder, Fire Whip, Lava Burst, Volcano Eruption
Description: Tryaanterosaurs is a dinosaur monster that has lava power which is evolved from Steroveniro. The horns is very hot as it can charge through its enemy with exploits burning, ignore defense and apply stun. burning and melt armor. The fangs has lava pump that its can bite the target with ignore defense, high crits and exploits bleed, it can also apply burning, bleeding, ravaged and gain itself blood frenzy. The spikes from its body can increase its heat power that every time its attack, also gain lava rush and plasma flow. While the spikes from its tail can increase damage whenever lava rush its used up, also exploits burning and apply remove buff, fumbling and bleeding. The body has lava skin that gain lava power to increase fire attacks, also resistant skin to immune any magic attacks and debuff ability.

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