Thursday 6 March 2014

Eyperocodile (Light, Water)

Name: Eyperocodile
Type: Light, Water
Attacks: Water Pulse, Light Crunch,Water Strike, Holy Slam, Sand Tornado
Ultimate Attacks: Holy Fang, Croc Slam, Holy Shower, Hydro Canon, Surf
Description: Eyperocodile is one of the legend Egypt Nile river guardian. The body is covered by rough scale that can protect any melee and slashing attacks that can immune to bleeding and ravaged. Its body also has a lot of spikes that can apply a single target with bleeding, ravaged, shield breaker and staggered. The claws are very sharp that can gain shrapnel claws and apply bleeding, ravaged, fumbling, shred and its attacks are ignore defense and boon buster. The crown has symbol of rebirth that can revive itself in full health with gain rising up and extra turn.    

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