Tuesday 4 March 2014

Mamotick (Ice)

Name: Mamotick
Type:  Ice
Attacks:  Ice Beam, Ice Strike, Icy Wind, Trunk Bash, Ancient Power
Ultimate Attacks: Blizzard Storm, Frost Tusk Strike, Frost Fang, Death-frost Blast, Rage of Ice
Description: Mamotick is a legend mammoth monster who had been the ice kingdom guardian as it can unlimited ice power. The trunk can slam its melee target and also use ranged attacks with ice power and apply flanked, shield breaker and tenderized in melee attacks, and apply chilled, frozen and frost bound while using ranged attacks. The tusk are very sharp that can stack up ice sharpen, winter blade and apply a single target bleeding, disadvantage, chilled and frozen. The body is covered with fur that can gain winter durable, frost protection and immune to fire , ice and energy type attacks. The tail has ice boulder that can attack with cold snap, ignore defense, deadly crits and apply stun, shield breaker and hobbled.      

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