Tuesday 18 March 2014

Rocklouoe (Water, Ice)

Name: Rocklouoe
Type: Water, Ice
Attacks: Hydro Pump, Hydro Strike, Aqua Jet, Ice Beam, Booster Slam
Ultimate Attacks: Water Missiles, Ice Spikes Missiles, Frozen Beam, Hydro Bomb
Description: Rocklouoe is a rocket fish monster with hyper boost which is evolved from Fishdoe. The tail has a jet booster with hydro power that swim fast like a rocket that can ignore defense, high crits, deadly crits and apply stun, pressure points and waterlogged. The body is made of frozen ice scales that can immune to attacks with slashing and ice attacks, also gain bulky scales, resistant skin and icy aura when been attacked by ice attacks. The claws are sharp and pointy with iceberg sharp that can slash its target with exploits chilled, cold snap and apply bleeding, ravaged, frozen, chilled and flanked. The flappers has missiles on it that can deal massive explosion damage that spread out lot of ice spikes that the attacks is a splash damage, also apply chilled, frozen, frost bound, fatal blow and as a haemorrhage attack.  

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