Wednesday 26 March 2014

Vaimpatissles (Dark,Metal)

Name: Vaimpatissles
Type: Dark, Metal
Attacks: Shadow Ball, Missiles Barrage, Shadow Punch, Dark Wing Slash, Darkness Fang
Ultimate Attacks: Missiles Storm, Shadow Missile, Vampire Fang, Vampire Carrion Swarm
Description: Vaimpatissles is dark bat monster with missiles system which is evolved from Batmipre. The wings are very sharp that can exploits bleed, dark void and apply bleeding, ravaged, shield breaker and vampired. The wingspan has missiles systems that can unleash many missiles as each missile can apply burning, melt armor, pyrophoric and stun. The body is full of chaos that immune to any dark attacks, also gain darkness strength, vampire aura and vampire rage.  

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