Thursday 13 March 2014

Radarbug (Bug)

Name: Radarbug
Type: Bug
Attacks: Radar Beam, Radar Sense, Radar Detector, Bug Strike, Buggy Slam
Ultimate Attacks: Radar Jammer,Radar Sonic Boom, Radar Wave
Description: Radarbug is a only had radar sense that can detect most of all attacks, and become one of the legend. The radar can quickly detect danger that can dodge most ranged and melee type attacks, but only invisible and psychic can bypass its radar sense, it also can use radar beam to apply distraction, disoriented and hobbled. The wing shield from its wing can protect any gun and tech attacks, also can reduce more damage that it gain unexploited which all attacks with exploiter damage can been reduce. The dots from the shield gain communicant effects that can learn the attacker next move and counter that with the radar beam, also gain all type power from the attacker based on element attacks they use.    

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