Saturday 29 March 2014

Tigerabor (Fire)

Name: Tigerabor
Type: Fire
Attacks: Melt Strike, Fang Slice, Flamethrower, Fire Burst, Blood Crush, Fire Blast
Ultimate Attacks: Lava Pump, Volcano Blast, Burning Meteor, Melting Slash
Description: Tigerabor is a saber-tooth tiger monster with fire power which is evolved from Saberhorn. The stripes from its body can camouflage its target that is a subtle move with apply disoriented and gain itself mirror image. The fangs has fire power that crunch its target with combustible, exploits bleed and apply the target bleeding, ravaged, burning and melt armor, also gain itself blood frenzy and blood rage. The tail has a spiky blade that can slash its target with exploits bleed, and apply bleeding, ravaged and hobbled to the target and gain itself sharpen claw.  

Saberhorn (Normal)

Name: Saberhorn
Type: Normal
Attacks: Fang Crunch, Slash Attack, Hyper Crunch, Frenzy Rush, Blood Rage Strike
Description: Saberhorn is a saber tooth tiger monster with blood-lust rage and fury. The fangs are very long and sharp that can crunch its target with exploits bleed and apply bleeding, ravaged, shield breaker and is a haemorrhage attack. The claw can scratch its target with apply pressure point, ravaged and exhausted, also gain frenzy and blood rage. The horns are small but very sharp that poke its target and apply disadvantage and weak point.    

Thursday 27 March 2014

Tusornank (Thunder, Fire)

Name: Tusornank
Type: Thunder, Fire
Attacks: Thunderbolt, Thunder Ram, Lighting Storm, Fire Burst, Fire Strike
Ultimate Attacks: Thunder Fire, Magma Storm, Volt Blast, Inferno Blast
Description: Tusornank is a golden rhino monster with fire power which is evolved from Rhinong. The horns is made of burning power and lighting horns that can charge through its target and apply burning, bleeding, ravaged, pyrophoric and stun. The tail has the volt power that can exploits magnetized and also apply static charge, ravaged, remove buffs and pressure points. The body is very tough of its golden body that can immune to burning, bleeding and has relentless, also gain golden armor and durable up. The spikes on its body can roll its body and attacks its target and apply the target bleeding, exposed and neutralized, also exploits attrition and opportunity  

Rhinong (Thunder, Ground)

Name: Rhinong
Type: Thunder, Ground
Attacks: Thunder Strike, Ground Pound, Ground Smash, Thunder Shock, Thunder Slash
Description: Rhinong is a rhino monster that has lighting power with thick skin. The horns has high voltage that has the ability to shock its target and apply static charge, paraylzed and stun, also gain thunder volt and charge up. The body is very thick that can immune to most of melee and slashing attacks, also resist to bleeding and poisoned. The feet has lighting power that ran very fast with lighting boost and gain lighting speed. The spikes can contain lighting volt to gain energize every turn.    

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Vaimpatissles (Dark,Metal)

Name: Vaimpatissles
Type: Dark, Metal
Attacks: Shadow Ball, Missiles Barrage, Shadow Punch, Dark Wing Slash, Darkness Fang
Ultimate Attacks: Missiles Storm, Shadow Missile, Vampire Fang, Vampire Carrion Swarm
Description: Vaimpatissles is dark bat monster with missiles system which is evolved from Batmipre. The wings are very sharp that can exploits bleed, dark void and apply bleeding, ravaged, shield breaker and vampired. The wingspan has missiles systems that can unleash many missiles as each missile can apply burning, melt armor, pyrophoric and stun. The body is full of chaos that immune to any dark attacks, also gain darkness strength, vampire aura and vampire rage.  

Batmipre (Dark)

Name: Batmipre
Type: Dark
Attacks: Dark Fang, Venom Rage, Darkness Slash, Shadow Slash, Shadow Strike
Description: Batmipre is a bat monster with vampire rage and personal power. The wings is made of vampire power that can slash its target with ignore defense and exploits bleed, also apply bleeding, ravaged, drain power and impaired. The fangs can absorb other targets' health that gain itself revive health and also apply the target drain power and neutralized. Its body is made of darkness power that can immune to dark void and dark attacks.  

Monday 24 March 2014

Tryaanterosaurs (Fire, Ground)

Name: Tryaanterosaurs
Type: Fire, Ground
Attacks: Fire Blast, Burning Ball, Ground Stomp, Boulder Slam, Flame Strike
Ultimate Attacks: Inferno Tornado, Hurl Boulder, Fire Whip, Lava Burst, Volcano Eruption
Description: Tryaanterosaurs is a dinosaur monster that has lava power which is evolved from Steroveniro. The horns is very hot as it can charge through its enemy with exploits burning, ignore defense and apply stun. burning and melt armor. The fangs has lava pump that its can bite the target with ignore defense, high crits and exploits bleed, it can also apply burning, bleeding, ravaged and gain itself blood frenzy. The spikes from its body can increase its heat power that every time its attack, also gain lava rush and plasma flow. While the spikes from its tail can increase damage whenever lava rush its used up, also exploits burning and apply remove buff, fumbling and bleeding. The body has lava skin that gain lava power to increase fire attacks, also resistant skin to immune any magic attacks and debuff ability.

Steroveniro (Fire, Ground)

Name: Steroveniro
Type: Fire, Ground
Attacks: Flamethrower, Flame Wheel, Fire Slash, Ground Pound, Earth Slam
Description: Steroveniro is a dinosaur monster with flame power and lava aura. The spikes is covered with lava power that can exploits burning and apply bleeding. ravaged, burning and tenderized. It also protected attacks with using slashing and melee type attacks, as the spikes can apply bleeding to the attacker who use melee attacks. The body is very tough that can immune to any burning attacks, also gain ground armor and resistant skin. The tail has spike that can exploits bleed and apply bleeding, ravaged, tenderized and the attacks its haemorrhaged attack.

Saturday 22 March 2014

Craraber (Metal, Flying)

Name: Craraber
Type: Metal, Flying
Attacks: Hammer Slam, Dragon Wing, Gyro Slam, Wing Slash, Ruby Punch
Ultimate Attacks: Ruby Blast Burn, Hammer Rush, X-Cross Attack
Description: Craraber is a full armored monster which is evolved from Cuttent. The hammer can smash its target as it can ignore defense, high crits, paragon exploiter and apply stun, shield breaker, combo setup and pin cushion. The wings are very durable that can fly in the air and defend itself from any ranged, melee and slashing attacks. It also can use its wings to slash its target and apply bleeding, ravaged, exposed and is a haemorrhage attack.The body is high metal as it call ruby that immune to bleeding, ravaged, burning and pyrophoric, also gain ruby armor to increase its defense and ruby rage to increase attack, accuracy and gain rising up to all allies.  

Cuttent (Metal)

Name: Cuttent
Type: Metal
Attacks: Slash Attack, Blade Cutter, Metal Strike, Wing Cutter, Blade Crusher
Description: Cuttent is a metal blade monster which has blades on its hand. The blade are very sharp that can cut through shield as ignore defense and high crits, also apply bleeding, ravaged and shield breaker. The body is very durable that has double life while in battle, also immune to slashing and ranged attacks. The tail can help it balance its body while running, also use to slap its target with remove buffs, pressure points and staggered

Friday 21 March 2014

Powerank (Metal)

Name: Powerank
Type: Metal
Attacks: Drill Slam, Metal Slam, Ground Slam, Ground Charge, Boulder Charge
Ultimate Attacks: Drill Tornado, Earth Drill Quake, Rock Slide, Ground Drill Strike
Description: Powerank is a drill tank monster which is evolved from Thorank, although is look like simple, but it has kept many mini drill to can support the main drill's power and durable, the main drill can exploits corruption, opportunity, also apply bleeding, weak point, tenderized and neutralized. Other mini drills can support the main drill with stealthy and chance to counter attacks, also apply impaired, cornered and ravaged. The body is made of platinum gold armor that can immune to burning, bleeding, ravaged and radiation exposure, also gain platinum up and rising up.      

Thorank (Metal)

Name: Thorank
Type: Metal
Attacks: Drill Buster, Super Dig, Metal Strike, Drill Tail Slam, Metallic Beam
Description: Thorank is a drill tank monster that use drills as its weapon. The main drill has two extra drill that can strike the target with exploits protection, shield, and apply bleeding, weak point, lock on and disadvantage. The tail has also a drill that can attacks stealthy, also can ignore defense, and apply bleeding, pressure points and has a chance to cause stun. The body is made of golden that is very high on defense as it can reduce damage from any ranged gun type attacks, also immune to bleeding and burning and gain super armor.

Thursday 20 March 2014

Spreoxet (Fire)

Name: Spreoxet
Type: Fire
Attacks: Flamethrower, Melting Slash, Fire Punch, Eruption
Ultimate Attacks: Fire Bolt, Breath of Fire, Volcano Burst. Fire Twister, Magma Burn
Description: Spreoxet is a dinosaur monster with bull horns and a drill tail. The horns are very high heatable that can exploits burning, also apply stun, burning melt armor. It also can crush its enemy with bash ability, also has a chance to stun and apply pressure points and shield breaker. The drill has the power to dig underground to make the earth rumble that apply all enemies slowed, off-balance and winded. The body is made of heat power that can immune to burning and pyrophoric, also gain resistant skin and apply the attacker burning and melt armor who use melee type attacks.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Rocklouoe (Water, Ice)

Name: Rocklouoe
Type: Water, Ice
Attacks: Hydro Pump, Hydro Strike, Aqua Jet, Ice Beam, Booster Slam
Ultimate Attacks: Water Missiles, Ice Spikes Missiles, Frozen Beam, Hydro Bomb
Description: Rocklouoe is a rocket fish monster with hyper boost which is evolved from Fishdoe. The tail has a jet booster with hydro power that swim fast like a rocket that can ignore defense, high crits, deadly crits and apply stun, pressure points and waterlogged. The body is made of frozen ice scales that can immune to attacks with slashing and ice attacks, also gain bulky scales, resistant skin and icy aura when been attacked by ice attacks. The claws are sharp and pointy with iceberg sharp that can slash its target with exploits chilled, cold snap and apply bleeding, ravaged, frozen, chilled and flanked. The flappers has missiles on it that can deal massive explosion damage that spread out lot of ice spikes that the attacks is a splash damage, also apply chilled, frozen, frost bound, fatal blow and as a haemorrhage attack.  

Fishdoe (Water)

Name: Fishdoe
Type: Water
Attacks: Aqua Strike, Aqua Ring, Water Splat, Bubble Storm
Description: Fishdoe is a fish monster with its own fan bladed tail. The tail can help it swim fast that can strike its target with ignore defense, exploits opportunity and apply stun, pressure points and exhausted. The body is covered aqua protection that can protect any allies that the attacker use water attacks against it, also absorb water energy and gain aqua defense and bulky scales. The fins are very pointy that slash its target and apply bleeding, ravaged and opportunist.  

Friday 14 March 2014

Carobeot (Water, Metal)

Name: Carobeot
Type: Water, Metal
Attacks: Hydro Claw, Metal Slash, Crab Slice, Hydro Pump, Metal Crush
Ultimate Attacks: Missiles Strike, Surf, Whirlpool, Gyro Bash, Gyro Slam
Description: Carobeot is a machine crab monster that has high technology and water system. The pincers are very sharp that can exploits attrition, also apply bleeding, shred and gain tech upgrade. The legs has lot of rocket boost that can fly into air that gain booster up. The body has high durable that can immune most of magic, slashing and gun attacks, also reduce damage against melee and ranged attacks.    

Lightastly (Light, Ghost)

Name: Lightastly
Type: Light, Ghost
Attacks: Sun Ray, Ghost Strike, Light Slash, Shinning Fist
Description: Lightastly is a sun ghost monster that can evolve into Sungol. The body is made of pure sun that can turn invisible when it shined by sun rays. Its powerful ray can shine into the target that can make them blinded, disoriented and weak point. The claw are very shiny that can exploits burning and apply bleeding, ravaged, burning and pyrophoric.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Wolider (Ground, Poison)

Name: Wolider
Type: Ground, Poison
Attacks: Ground Smash, Web Ball, Poison Sting, Web Slam, Ground Pound, Sting Slash
Ultimate Attacks: Boulder Slam, Boulder Shower, Sand Tornado, Web Burst, Web Boulder
Description: Wolider is most fierce spider in the desert land that only can been found that monster is during a sandstorm. The web it produced is very sticky and durable that can defend from any sandstorm, also can apply the enemy while using web attacks with webbed, constricted, disabled and immobilized. The legs are very sharp with poison sting on it that can exploits poison, also apply bleeding, ravaged, poisoned and wide open. The sting on its back can strike its target while using web swing, it can apply stun, webbed and poisoned. In every turn, it always has berserker rage that has a chance to increase damage, high crits and also has a follow up attacks.  

Radarbug (Bug)

Name: Radarbug
Type: Bug
Attacks: Radar Beam, Radar Sense, Radar Detector, Bug Strike, Buggy Slam
Ultimate Attacks: Radar Jammer,Radar Sonic Boom, Radar Wave
Description: Radarbug is a only had radar sense that can detect most of all attacks, and become one of the legend. The radar can quickly detect danger that can dodge most ranged and melee type attacks, but only invisible and psychic can bypass its radar sense, it also can use radar beam to apply distraction, disoriented and hobbled. The wing shield from its wing can protect any gun and tech attacks, also can reduce more damage that it gain unexploited which all attacks with exploiter damage can been reduce. The dots from the shield gain communicant effects that can learn the attacker next move and counter that with the radar beam, also gain all type power from the attacker based on element attacks they use.    

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Walrulek (Water, Ice)

Name: Walrulek
Type: Water, Ice
Attacks: Hydro Pump, Ice Fang, Icy Strike, Aqua Jet, Hydro Bash, Ice Slash
Ultimate Attacks: Twin Ice Fang, Hydro Booster, Hydro Canon, Blizzard Storm, Snow Slide
Description: Walrulek is one the legend monster in the ice age that is was the left hand assistant with Mamotick. The fangs are extremely sharp that it can exploits bleeding, cold snap and apply the target with bleeding, ravaged, frozen and chilled. The water symbol on its nose can unleash water sprout that can exploits burning and apply waterlogged, disadvantage and opportunist. The body has high fat that store lots of energy that can restore stamina most of its turn, also immune to burning and pyrophoric, but is an easy target as it too fat to dodge the attacker attacks, it still can survive as it has double health that other basic monster to always protect its allies from all attacks.  

Woodsteelpicker (Steel, Flying)

Name: Woodsteelpicker
Type: Steel, Flying
Attacks: Steel Drill, Pecking Strike, Wing Cutter, Metal Peck, Iron Strike
Ultimate Attacks: Steel Tornado, Razor Beck Drill, Hurricane Drill
Description: Woodsteelpicker is a woodpecker that can faster drill a hole which non of the mechanical drill do it. The beck is made of steel that can drill its target very fast that can apply bleeding, weak point and neutralized. The body is highly durable and thin that able it to fly, also can immune to slashing, melee and gun attacks, also can gain steel curtain and steel furious. The wings are very light with metal defense that can attack with exploits metal type monster shred, exploits bleeding and apply bleeding, ravaged and pressure points.  

Monday 10 March 2014

Narwhask (Water,Ice)

Name: Narwhask
Type: Water, Ice
Attacks: Water Strike, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Drill Slash, Drill Stab, Water Gun
Ultimate Attacks: Blizzard, Ice Drill Stab, Frozen Burst, Surf, Freeze Ray
Description: Narwhask is a narwhal monster that has the extreme drill in history as it can drill under very deep into the sea. The drill is very sharp with frozen power that gain cold snap, guaranteed crits and apply bleeding,weak point, chilled and frozen. The body is made of frozen power that can immune to chilled, frozen, also gain icing up, freeze power and dead of winter.The horn can smash its target with exploits chilled, frostbitten and apply the target shield breaker, tenderized and stun.  

Sunday 9 March 2014

Minebora (Psychic, Poison)

Name: Minebora
Type: Psychic, Poison
Attacks: Psycho Strike, Poison Spilt, Poison Fang, Telekinesis Slam
Ultimate Attacks: Mind Power Spikes, Psychic Blast, Poison Burst, Psychic Boost Bomber
Description: Minebora is only legend snake monster that has mind power and hyper poison storage. The body is protected by psychic circle that can resist against psychic attacks, also immune to any psychic effect. It also has poison body that apply the target poisoned whenever the attacker use melee type attacks. The main body has mind power that can unleash high crits energy mind power that can exploits attrition, also apply chaos shot, mind control and weak mind. The fangs has poison spilt that can exploits poisoned, also apply poisoned, weak mind, incapacitation and bleeding.    

Muosk-X (Ground)

Name: Muosk-X
Type: Ground
Attacks: Ground Stomp, Horn Bash, Bull Bash, Earth Slam, Boulder Crush
Ultimate Attacks: Aura Bash, Earthquake, Ground Strike, Mud Slam, Boulder Slam
Description: Muosk-X is one the strongest bull monster in the world that has the ability to shatter a land. The body is high defend power that can resist any melee attacks and reduce damage against slashing and energy attacks, also immune to bleeding, ravaged, poisoned and burning. The horn has earth aura that can crush its enemy with exploits tenderized and paragon exploiter, also apply stun, shield breaker and pressure points. The tail has sharp blade with earth aura that also gain the same effect from the horns, also additional apply bleeding, ravaged, off balance and cornered.  

Thursday 6 March 2014

Hermirabber (Water, Metal)

Name: Hermirabber
Type: Water, Metal
Attacks: Hammer Time, Metal Strike,, Water Grabber, X Cross Attack, Water Pulse
Ultimate Attacks: Pincer Slash, Muddy Slam, X Scissors Slash, Pincer Slam,Surf
Description: Hermirabber is the legend hermit crab monster with the highest powerful pincer among of all crab. The shell can protect itself from any melee and slashing attacks that can immune to bleeding, ravaged and burning as it made of coral rock. The pincers are very sharp that slash its target with apply bleeding, shred, flanked and pressure points.The legs can walk onto the wall and glass that can do a counter attack, also apply tenderized, stun and gain rising up and extreme speedy.  

Eyperocodile (Light, Water)

Name: Eyperocodile
Type: Light, Water
Attacks: Water Pulse, Light Crunch,Water Strike, Holy Slam, Sand Tornado
Ultimate Attacks: Holy Fang, Croc Slam, Holy Shower, Hydro Canon, Surf
Description: Eyperocodile is one of the legend Egypt Nile river guardian. The body is covered by rough scale that can protect any melee and slashing attacks that can immune to bleeding and ravaged. Its body also has a lot of spikes that can apply a single target with bleeding, ravaged, shield breaker and staggered. The claws are very sharp that can gain shrapnel claws and apply bleeding, ravaged, fumbling, shred and its attacks are ignore defense and boon buster. The crown has symbol of rebirth that can revive itself in full health with gain rising up and extra turn.    

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Trojon-X (Dark, Metal)

Name: Trojon-X
Type: Dark, Metal
Attacks: Virus Spread, Cannon Blast, Shadow Strike, Virus Slam, Hacking Rage
Ultimate Attacks: Virus Blast, Shadow Blast, Dark Void Blast, Virus Cannon Shower
Description: Trojon-X is a trojan horse that has become the legend right hand virus king that has deadly power. The canon has store hyper virus power that can deadly crits, exploits attrition, exploits tenderized and apply chaos shot, pressure points and opportunist. The horns from its head that can ignore defense, boon buster, paragon exploiter and apply bleeding, ravaged, breakdown and disadvantage. The body is made of virus skin that can immune to dark, slashing, melee and ranged attacks, only deal it with light or anti-virus attacks, also can immune to bleeding, burning, dark void, poisoned, radiation exposure, iso corruption, even couldn't affect by nano-plague, only cannot defend itself against light burn and rusty pain.        

Mamotick (Ice)

Name: Mamotick
Type:  Ice
Attacks:  Ice Beam, Ice Strike, Icy Wind, Trunk Bash, Ancient Power
Ultimate Attacks: Blizzard Storm, Frost Tusk Strike, Frost Fang, Death-frost Blast, Rage of Ice
Description: Mamotick is a legend mammoth monster who had been the ice kingdom guardian as it can unlimited ice power. The trunk can slam its melee target and also use ranged attacks with ice power and apply flanked, shield breaker and tenderized in melee attacks, and apply chilled, frozen and frost bound while using ranged attacks. The tusk are very sharp that can stack up ice sharpen, winter blade and apply a single target bleeding, disadvantage, chilled and frozen. The body is covered with fur that can gain winter durable, frost protection and immune to fire , ice and energy type attacks. The tail has ice boulder that can attack with cold snap, ignore defense, deadly crits and apply stun, shield breaker and hobbled.      

Monday 3 March 2014

Jetlane (Water, Metal)

Name: Jetlane
Type: Water,Metal
Attacks: Water Pulse, Hydro Slam, Turtle Strike, Water Gun, Bubble
Ultimate Attacks: Hydro Canon, Aqua Beam, Surf, Aqua Ball Shot
Description: Jetlane is a turtle monster with legend advanced technology with hyper jet turbo. The shell is very hard as it made of metallic shell that can immune to bleeding and ravaged. It also can use as counter attack with shell slam and apply pressure points, shield breaker and stun. The flappers has missiles been loaded with hyper aqua speed that can emit sonic attacks, it can gain high crits, deadly crits and exploits attrition, also apply waterlogged, melt armor and fumbling. The jet turbo can increase its boost while unleash its nitrous as it can gain quickness and speedy fast. It can also can strike its target and apply stun, intimidated, reduce potential and opportunist.    

Firundersaurs (Fire)

Name: Firundersaurs
Type: Fire
Attacks: Burning Strike, Melting Crunch, Flamethrower, Magma Burn, Fire Slash
Ultimate Attacks: Burning Meteor, Cosmic Flare, Inferno Burst, Volcano Blast
Description: Firundersaurs is a legendary fire dinosaur monster that has maximum fire power strengthened that other fire type monster couldn't hold on. The horns has flame shape style that can exploits burning, true strike and paragon exploiter, also apply burning, pyrophoric and melt armor. The claw has magma claws that slash its target with applying bleeding, ravaged, melt armor and shield breaker. The body has super plasma heat generation that gain heat up generation and immune to burning and gain heated up.