Thursday 28 November 2013

Stamily (Water, Thunder, Flying, Dark)

Name: Stamily
Type: Water, Thunder,Flying, Dark
Attacks: Dark Pulse, Emerald Star Strike, Hydro Pump, Star Beam, Thunderbolt
Ultimate Attacks: Darkness Blast, Dark Wing Slash, Emerald Beam, Surf
Description: Stamily is a star monster with demonic wings and has four power type and is evolved from Stall. The demonic wings has the sharpy wingspan that can slash monster that can apply bleeding, ravaged, dark void and dark control. The emerald in the middle of its body can blast emerald beam and able to regeneration, energize, and apply burning and pyrophoric. The body has ruby durability to reduce any melee, ranged gun, energy beam and fire type attacks, also immune to dark, thunder type attacks.

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