Monday 11 November 2013

Sropein (Fire, Thunder)

Name: Sropein
Type: Fire, Thunder
Attacks: Thundershock, Fire Strike, Fire Blast, Tail Slash, Thunder Pincer
Ultimate Attacks: Thunderbolt, Flame Burst, Inferno Blast, Pincers Tail Slash
Description: Sropein is a scorpion that has three pincers tail and thunder pincers which is evolved from Srapbiole. The thunder pincer is look like a stinger with thunder power that secretly counter most of melee and stealthy attacks and apply paralyzed, stun and static charge. The tail has three pincers that bring lighting shock power that can apply paralyzed, stun, static charge, bleeding and ravaged. The main pincers can increase its attacks, accuracy that high crits and deadly crits, and apply bleeding, ravaged, burning, pyrophoric and shield breaker. The body has high plasma body that will immune to burning and soul fire, can also apply burning to the attacker who use melee type attacks.

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