Friday 22 November 2013

Rhiteel (Ground, Metal)

Name: Rhiteel
Type: Ground, Metal
Attacks: Metal Crush, Tech Breaker, Ground Pound, Drill Buster
Ultimate Attacks: Tech Crusher, Metallic Ball, Metallic Blast, Earthquake
Description: Rhiteel is a rhino t-rex size monster and is relative to Rhinock but different appearance. The armor has high immunity to magnet, slashing, vibranium and gun attacks, but it vulnerable to fire and water type attacks, it can immune to these debuff such as bleeding, ravaged, magnetized and radiation exposure. The horns are upgraded with drill type horns and dig into the ground or use it as a clocking tactical as it can apply blinded, disoriented and distraction. The tail has metallic boulder tail that can ignore defense, high crits and deadly crits, also apply shield breaker, stun, bleeding, ravaged and winded, also can apply obsolete technology to the target with using tech attacks.  

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