Wednesday 20 November 2013

Rhinire (Fire, Metal, Ground)

Name: Rhinire
Type: Fire, Metal, Ground
Attacks: Fire Bash, Earthquake, Metal Spike Slash, Horn Slash, Fire Burst Charge
Ultimate Attacks: Fire Blast, Earth Slam, Mega quake, Volcano Blast, Melting Strike
Description: Rhinire is a rhino monster with many horns which is evolved from Firchiones. The horns on its nose always release fire power and crash or charge to the target and apply bleeding, ravaged, burning, pyrophoric, stun and melt armor. While the other horns from its head can protect and prevent most of melee and ranged attacks and counter them by apply weak point and reckless rage. The body has high body temperature that even water type attacks couldn't cold it down, also apply burning to the attacker who use melee type attacks and gain combat awareness and forfeited. Its tail has change into fire symbol shape boulder that can ignore defense, combustible and exploits burning, also apply shield breaker, bleeding, pummeled and stun.

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