Sunday 3 November 2013

Rhinock (Rock, Steel)

Name: Rhinock
Type: Rock, Steel
Attacks: Rockslide, Tail Slash, Steel Fortress, Steel Mega Strike
Ultimate Attacks: Landslide, Earth Slam, Earthquake, Metal Barrage Strike, Horn Crusher
Description: Rhinock is a rhino monster that has armor and rock tail which is evolved from Rhield. The tail is very tough that can ignore defense, deal high crits and deadly crits. It also an catastrophic attacks that gain paragon exploiter and finest hour, also apply dizzy, stun, weakened , incapacitation and tenderized. The armor can immune to attacks that use melee, ranged gun and water attacks as it can immune to rusty mode. The horns are very strong, tough and sharp that can ignore defense, guaranteed hit and high crits, also apply shield breaker, bleeding, wide open, ravaged and flanked.  

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