Tuesday 12 November 2013

Scorhimpin (Water, Ground)

Name: Scorhimpin
Type: Water, Ground
Attacks: Earth Crush, Hydro Pump, Water Ball, Earth Power, Earth Bash
Ultimate Attacks: Earthquake, Earth Slam, Mud Surf, Muddy Blast
Description: Scorhimpin is a scorpion and prawn fusion type monster that has two hybrid ability and power that is evolved from Prawpin. The tail has the scorpion tail that carried poison but not so poisonous, it still can apply poisoned, weak point and bleeding to the attacks. The pincers is very pointy that can perform a slice and slash attacks that can apply bleeding, ravaged, shield breaker and buff blocker. The legs can also counter attacks that use ranged attacks as it strike from the ground, it can apply bleeding and flanked to the attacker. The shell is very durability and hard that able to reduce damage against  melee and ranged type attacks, but it cannot hold up strong or follow up attacks that it can lose its focused attacks, however it can evade most of strong attacks as its shell not so heavy although its shell very durability.      

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