Wednesday 30 October 2013

Worhark (Fire, Ground)

Name: Worhark
Type: Fire, Ground
Attacks: Fire Barrage, Fire Slash, Earth Slam, Flamethrower, Ground Defend
Ultimate Attacks: Earthquake, Inferno Blast, Fire Booster, Fin Slash
Description: Worhark is a worm monster with shark tail and fins on its body which is evolved from Firorm. The fins has colourful power that has each debuff to the monsters. The orange colour fins can apply burning and pyrophoric. The red colour can apply melt armor and winded while the blue colour can high crits and apply chilled and off balance, each fins can apply bleeding and ravaged to the monster. The fire symbol on its head can increase its fire attacks and apply strengthened and focused attack, also gain regeneration when it been attacked. The tail has the shrapnel slash that can apply bleeding and ravaged.  

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