Monday 28 October 2013

Aedequtio (Dark, Flying)

Name: Aedequtio
Type: Dark, Flying
Attacks: Dark Pulse, Darkness Void, Void Buster, Blood Sucker
Ultimate Attacks: Dark Meteor, Blood Blaster, Disease Spread Blast, Blood Strength
Description: Aedequtio is a mosquito monster with its own blood tank which is evolved from Tranquito. The blood tank can restore many bloods as it use for regeneration, gain strengthened and blast contained blood to the opponent. If the target got hit by the blood, they will suffering poisoned and biofeedback, also apply melt armor and dizzy. As the blood tank goes low, it will leave the blood tank behind and suck monster's blood to restore it. The sucked blood monster will apply bleeding, ravaged, poisoned and weakened when they been sucked. The sting on its back can also absorb blood when it still using the blood tank, also can gain the blood strength from the tank. The sting is poisonous, also has a heavy pressure that will ignore defense, high crits and  is a contagion attack, that not only apply bleeding, poisoned; but also apply weak point, flanked, winded and off balance. The wings are very big and full of blood that will increase its flight when it fly, the more blood in the wing, the faster and the higher it fly. Its body is immune to dark power as it gain more blood from any dark type monsters, but the reflection of light will make it blinded and distraction when it been attacked by light attacks, also can stun it when that happen.      

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