Wednesday 23 October 2013

Tyrziorthes (Bug, Flying, Grass)

Name: Tyrziorthes
Type: Bug, Flying, Grass
Attacks: Energy Ball, Clippers Strike, X-Scissor, Wing Slash
Ultimate Attacks: Mega X Scissor Slash, W-Slash, Clipper Bash
Description: Tyrziorthes is a dinosaur monster with its praying mantis appearance that evolved from Craantis. The wings is upgraded with dragon wings that enable reflect and immune to fire attacks as its wings absorb the attacks, but because of its wings, it loses its flying speed and agility. The clippers are tough and hard that can bash monster or clip them that can apply stun, dizzy, shield breaker and cornered. It can also apply bleeding, ravaged, exposed and weakened when it clip. The scissor on it head can enable to control while it counter attacks, also can apply monster with bleeding, exposed, ravaged and is a hemorrhaging attacks.  

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