Thursday 24 October 2013

Angeightingark (Water, Ice, Thunder)

Name: Angeightingark
Type: Water, Ice, Thunder
Attacks: Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt, Aqua Jet, Thunder Strike, Ice Beam
Ultimate Attacks: Blizzard, Surf, Hydro Cannon, Shock Beam
Description: Angeigthingark is a shark monster with the combie of angelfish monster that evolved from Angeared. The light can shock monster that able make monster paralyzed, also apply stun, exposed, flanked and wide open. The tail has positive electric charge that can apply static charge, stun, paralyzed, blinded and distorted. The fangs is very sharp and able to charge its thunder power that can not only apply bleeding and ravaged, also apply static charge, dizzy, tenderized, flanked and stun.

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