Thursday 31 October 2013

Octoelly (Water, Thunder, Poison)

Name: Octoelly
Type: Water, Thunder, Poison
Attacks: Poison Sting, Thundershock, Water Pulse, Water Gun, Poison Strike
Ultimate Attacks: Poison Blast, Thunderbolt, Hydro Pump, Hydro Cannon, Shock-ball
Description: Octoelly is a jellyfish monster with its thunder horns and poisonous stings. It is the third evolution  stage which is evolved by Jellygol. The stings has poison ability that will cause many debuff. The brighter color is not very poisonous but can apply poison and weakened. The darker the color, the more poisonous its become. The darkest has many poison debuff, it apply not only poisoned and weakened, also apply biofeedback, incapacitation, short circuit for machine type monster, mind control and weak point. The horns has high voltage that can exploit shield and protection. It can apply static charge, incapacitation, off balance and neutralized. The body is very soft and has a chance to counter attacks and avoid melee type attacks, it also cannot affect by combo setup and tenderized.

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