Friday 1 February 2013

Tretoxix (Bug, Thunder, Poison)

Name: Tretoxix
Type: Bug, Thunder, Poison
Attacks: Thunder, Bug Strike, Poison Strike, Poison Ball, Thunder Strike
Ultimate Attacks: Thunder Bite Strike, Thunder Air Slash, Poison Air Strike (while in the air)
Description: Tretoxix is a T-Rex size monsters which evolve from Evilntxide that has now a bigger wing to help it fly. Its wings can release poison strike while it is flying and make ground monster suffer poison. It has a sting that can blast poison at the monster and suffering poison and toxic. Its bite power is not strong but it can still blast poison that can make a huge massive damage and make monsters suffering poison. The wings has an electric power that can generate energy to strike monster and make them paralyzed or stun them.

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