Sunday 3 February 2013

Bolpdoigala (Fire, Dragon)

Name: Bolpdoigala
Type: Fire, Dragon
Attacks: Fire Blast, Dragon Cannon, Diamond Blast, Flame Thrower
Ultimate Attacks: Fire Beam, Dragon Strike , Dragon Boulder Charge
Description: Bolpdoigala is a dragon monster which evolve from Drolazlak that has two boulder tails that can smash rocks and trees , the tails also can release ice boulder to frozen monster and make them suffer death frost. The diamond on its head can unleash diamond blast to make them suffer from frozen and death frost. The armor can deflect any energy type attacks, it also can deflect any ice attacks from it. Its jaws can bite through metal and steel and emit fire that will a building down. The bite can also burn monster while they will suffering bleeding.

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