Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Sagos (Thunder, Fighting)

Name: Sagos
Type: Thunder, Fighting
Attacks: Thunder Shock, Hard Charge, Thunder Tail, Stunning Hit, Thunder Wave
Description: Sagos is the thunder type bull monster which evolve from Salgol. It has little horns around of its face and has two horns which has the power of the thunder. These little horns are used to charge through armor monsters and poke into a small weak point once its found it. Its little horns can exploits weakened and exposed. While the big horns can smash metal type monsters and paralyzed them by shock their nerve system. The ring on its chin is used to strengthened its charge attacks, it according the number of its ring shacked, the more power it become. The body made of armor spikes that can been protect by thunder type attacks that can immune to paralyzed it. The tail can stomp the ground and release its thunder potential and blast mega thunder blast and static charge on the target.      

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