Thursday 28 February 2013

Tauos (Thunder, Ground)

Name: Tauos
Type: Thunder, Ground
Attacks: Thunder Bolt, Ground Pound, Thunder Charge, Rock Throw, Earth Power
Ultimate Attacks: Thunder Strike, Fissure, Rock Bash, Thunder , Mega Quake, Laser Beam
Description: Tauos is a bull type monster which evolve from Tosaa, it has relative monster of Satugo, the second heavy thunder bull in the world. Its weight is more heavier than Satugo but isn't heaviest bull monsters ever. It has multiple horns from all over its face, two horns on top of its head, two horns on the middle and two horns below of its head. These horn are so tough that won't break any collusion damage and can strike monsters that will deals massive damage of physical attacks. Unlike Satugo, its trunk is long and has three small spikes, the trunk can strike them by deals massive damage of charge attacks and physical attacks. It can also shoot thunder on its trunk that will paralyzed monsters and stun them. The body has no spikes on it, but still durability against melee type attacks and absorb thunder from attacks and sky. It absorb thunder from its shark fin-shape spikes on top of its body, when it has overload thunder, it will blast a massive damage of thunder attacks and stun monsters before they been paralyzed. The tail is so strong that can destroy walls and construction of a building, it will also can destroy machine type monster one of its part and cannot been used again.

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