Monday 2 December 2013

Virotevivs (Grass, Water, Ice)

Name: Virotevivs
Type: Grass, Water, Ice
Attacks: Hydro Pump, Ice Fang, Ice Beam, Solar Beam, Leaf Blade
Ultimate Attacks: Slimy Shot, Frozen Blast, Freeze Ray, Hydro Strike
Description: Virotevivs is snake monster with crown on its head which is evolved from Dragrerire. The tail has a sting but not so poisonous that will apply weak point, bleeding, ravaged and tenderized. The crown can protect itself from any ranged gun type attacks and counter them by applying bleeding, weak point, off balance and pain. The fangs are very sharp that can ignore defense, coldsnap, paragon exploitation and hemorrhaging attacks, also apply bleeding, ravaged, exposed and short circuit. The body is not slimy but can immune to water type attacks, also use slime to gain regeneration and energize.  

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