Sunday 15 December 2013

Fiuttfly (Fire, Flying, Bug)

Name: Fiuttfly
Type: Fire, Flying, Bug
Attacks: Wing Slash, Flamethrower, Flame Wind, Bug Buzz
Ultimate Attacks: Fire Blast, Nuclear Strike, Bug Slam, Air Wing Cutter
Description: Fiuttfly is a butterfly monster with flaming power and fire wings which is evolved from Firocon. The wings has fire stripes that can fly very fast and create fire ring that attacker will suffering burning once they use melee attacks against it and touch the fire ring. The body has heat temperature that can immune to attacker that will cause burning and pyrophoric to it. The eyes has radar detector that can detect any moving target or incoming attacks that can easily prevent and dodge their attacks, especially ranged and energy attacks, only vibranium will undetect and been hit by it as vibranium weakened its radar sense.

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