Saturday 7 December 2013

Hunfly (Water, Ice, Flying, Dragon)

Name: Hunfly
Type: Water, Ice, Flying, Dragon
Attacks: Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Dragon Pulse, Demonic Slash, Tail Strike
Ultimate Attacks: Hydro Cannon, Dragon Blast, Blizzard, Snow Storm
Description: Hunfly is a hydro snake that live in deep sea which is evolved from Hunsea. The wings can boost it into the air and fly, also can counter flying monster that can exploits flying, and apply shield breaker, bleeding, tenderized and weakened. The tail has large sting as its pointy that can apply bleeding, weak point, impaired and exhausted. The jaws are very sharp that can ignore defense, high crits and exploits bleed. The body is made of icy body that can immune to ice attacks and also apply chilled, frozen and death frost to the attacker who use melee type attacks.

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