Thursday 19 December 2013

Tigowragle (Fire, Flying)

Name: Tigowragle
Type: Fire, Flying
Attacks: Flamethrower, Flame Stream, Fireball, Demon Wing Slash
Ultimate Attacks: Fire Blast, Tiger Cannon, Tiger Uppercut, Wing Uppercut Burst
Description: Tigowragle is a tiger monster with demon wings and is evolved from Tigegle. The tail has boulder tail that can ignore defense, high crits and deadly crits, also apply stun, intimated, dizzy and shield breaker. The saber tooth can crunch monster with deadly crits and gain rising up and apply bleeding, ravaged and shield breaker. The wings has change into demonic wings as it can exploits attrition and opportunity, also apply dark void, bleeding, ravaged, weak point, bane and tenderized.    

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