Tuesday 16 April 2013

Talokol (Metal)

Name: Talokol
Type: Metal
Attacks: Multiple Detector, Spikes Strip Wheel, Signal Beam, Super Charge
Ultimate Attacks: Magnetite Beam, Magnet Strike, Wheel Rampage, Multiple Signal Beam
Description: Talokol is an engine monster which was upgraded by Trankola. The wheel has spikes that can drive into mud and road that will left spikes strip and make it as a trap once it was been attacked by the monster. The signal beams has the ability of detecting monster's location, attacks power and rating and blast monster that will make them suffering burning, melt armor, exposed, dizzy and slowed them. The spikes on its wheel can make monster suffering bleeding and ravaged while the armor with the spikes can defend itself from any ranged type attacks. The wing spam on it can increase its speed and gain agile to increase its evasion.   

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