Friday 19 April 2013

Satorag (Psychic, Ghost, Ice)

Name: Satorag
Type: Psychic, Ghost, Ice
Attacks: Ice Beam, Ring Breaker, Frozen Breath, Ice Breaker, Psychic Boost
Ultimate Attacks: Blizzard, Ring Energy Blast, Pollution Blast, Ice Comet Charge, Comet Barrage
Description: Satorag is a plant ghost monster which evolve from Solala. The ring can protect any melee and ranged attacks, also can make monster suffering dark void and radiation exposure when they use melee attacks or attack them when it using its ring to attack. The ice body can fire freezing blast that will make monster suffering frozen, chilled and dizzy. The green part around its icy body can strike monster with polluted grass whip that has polluted power to make monster suffering poison and radiation exposure.

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