Wednesday 10 April 2013

Icego (Ice)

Name: Icego
Type: Ice
Attacks: Blizzard, Ice Spikes, Ice Multiple Beam, Ice Breaker
Ultimate Attacks: Ice Storm, Frozen Strike, Ice Cannon Blast, Frozen Breath Blast
Description: Icego is an ice giant monster which evolve from Icelgoal. The pyramid head has the symbol of ice and lots of yellow spots that can fire ice beam laser that will make monsters suffering frozen and chilled, it also can make it become icy so that the monster will suffering chilled when they use melee type attacks, unless they are stealthy that can avoid them. While the spot on its body is highly made of ice crystal body that is immune to fire type attacks and also immune to burning and pyrophoric, but it still resistant to high voice type attacks that will shatter its body and lose its anti-burning ability. The legs can kick monster that will exposed and weakened their attack. It can create cool smokescreen that will blinded and disoriented them, also has let it a chance to counter back with its ice attacks. The claws are also sharp that will bleeding, shred and ravaged, when it reaches its freezing point, it can frozen, freezing and chilled monsters.       

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